The Pulse: Streaming Services | Big Village

We’re watching how consumers use and choose video streaming services today.


Streaming services have become the way to watch, well… everything. See how American consumers choose what to tune into, how much they’re spending on the services and more.


How many video streaming services do you currently subscribe to?


On average, how much per month are you spending on video streaming services?


Do you currently rely on a family member’s or friend’s login to avoid paying for a streaming service?


When subscribing to a streaming service, which plan do you typically select?


Why do you use your favorite streaming service most frequently?


If your online video streaming service offered/recommended content based on the following, how interested would you be?


For which of the following reasons, if any, have you unsubscribed or downgraded your subscription to a video service?


How influential would the following be in keeping you as a subscriber of a service you were about to cancel?


Which of the following video streaming subscription bundle do you find most appealing?

Top 3 reasons video streaming subscription bundles are appealing:


This CARAVAN survey was conducted by Big Village Insights among a demographically representative U.S. sample of 847 adults, 18 years of age and older. The survey was live from March 17th – March 22nd, 2023.

Learn more about our Online CARAVAN® omnibus surveys here.

Contact us at for more information.

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