The Pulse: The 2023 Writers’ Strike

Big Village’s CARAVAN recently spoke to a nationwide sample of consumers and found that while nearly everyone is aware of the entertainment industry’s writers’ strike, there is not yet a clear winner in the PR battle.

Many consumers still don’t know enough about the strike to form an opinion, and of those that do there is a pretty even distribution for who they blame: 26% say studios are primarily responsible, 29% blame the writers’ union or actors, and 16% blame the impact of technology. There is also notable differences across generations on the significance of the impact of the strike and what alternatives they’ll pursue. Most of us (79%) believe that the concern the Hollywood writers have about AI potentially replacing their jobs in the future is at least somewhat legitimate.

How aware are you of the ongoing writers’ strike in the entertainment industry?

Almost everyone is aware of the strike (84%)


How did you become aware of the writers’ strike?

While Gen Z and Millennials became aware of the strike primarily through Social Media, Baby Boomers were far more likely (74%) to do so through T.V.


How legitimate of a concern do you think the Hollywood writers have about AI potentially replacing their jobs in the future?

79% think the concern writers have about AI replacing jobs is at least somewhat legitimate.


Who do you believe is PRIMARILY responsible for the writers’ strike?

There is a pretty even distribution for who consumers blame: 26% say studios are primarily responsible, 29% blame the writers’ union or actors, and 16% blame the impact of technology. 29% of Americans aren’t sure (37% for Baby Boomers).


Are you supportive of the WRITERS’ demands in the strike?

39% are also not sure if they support the writers’ demands because they don’t know enough about the strike. This is claimed much less by Gen Z (22%), and more by Baby Boomers at 52%. We also found 68% of Democrats are supportive, while 39% of Republicans are.


How much impact does the writers’ strike have on your overall entertainment consumption?

The impact the writers’ strike has on overall entertainment consumption is far more disruptive to younger generations. Baby Boomers see this as minor impact on their entertainment consumption (73% say its either minor or no impact). Meanwhile, 62% of Gen Zs and 28% of Baby Boomers say it’s having at least a moderate impact.


If the writers’ strike continues and there are no new shows to watch, how do you plan to spend your leisure time instead?

Gen Zs and Millennials are more likely to turn to YouTube, more likely to watch foreign TV, and Gen Zs are more likely to explore other entertainment such as gaming. Gen Z’s and Millennials are less likely to watch re-runs compared to their Gen X and Baby Boomer counterparts.



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