IAB Privacy Unveils Accountability Program as Part of its Multi-State Privacy Agreement for Signatories to Earn Certification

The Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) Becomes First Assessor Authorized to Grant ‘MSPA Certified’ Seal

New York, NY September 29, 2023 — Continuing its efforts to promote consumer privacy and comply with new state privacy laws, IAB Privacy (IAB) has established a voluntary Accountability Program as part of its Multi-State Privacy Agreement (MSPA) compliance framework. Through the Accountability Program, MSPA Signatories have an opportunity to earn an ‘MSPA Certified’ seal after demonstrating how they comply with the requirements of the MSPA. The ‘MSPA Certified’ seal provides a level of assurance to other participants in the MSPA compliance framework – as well as other compliance stakeholders, such as regulators – that an MSPA signatory is performing the MSPA’s contractual requirements.

“The MSPA is an industry-level contractual vehicle that provides a common set of privacy terms that meets the requirements of all of the state privacy laws,” said Michael Hahn, Executive Vice President, General Counsel, IAB and IAB Tech Lab. “The Accountability Program provides stakeholders with a higher-level assurance that an MSPA signatory complies with its contractual representations to comply with the MSPA’s common set of privacy terms. Those earning the MSPA Certified seal will not only benefit from being acknowledged as putting privacy first but can also tout to their partners that their participation helps meet partner diligence obligations mandated under applicable law.”

To receive this certification, MSPA Signatories that choose to participate must submit to a compliance assessment that will be conducted by an Authorized Assessor designated by IAB.  The assessment includes a questionnaire and interview procedures that will evaluate a company’s MSPA compliance, including:

  • How end users are provided with transparency and choice mechanisms consistent with MSPA framework requirements
  • How personal information processed through MSPA Covered Transactions is limited to MSPA Signatories and Certified Partners only
  • How an applicant processes personal information in connection with Covered Transactions consistent with the MSPA framework’s applicable use limitations
  • How an applicant has implemented technology that processes Global Privacy Platform (GPP) signals in a way that complies with MSPA framework requirements and the integrity of GPP signals processed and shared through Covered Transactions

The NAI is the first Authorized Assessor under the Accountability Program. Additional Authorized Assessors will join the program in the coming months and when multiple Authorized Assessors are available, applicants to the Accountability Program will be able to choose which amongst them will review their application.

“The MSPA is an important tool in helping members of the digital advertising community comply with state privacy laws, and the Accountability Program is a critical tool to promote accountability and compliance,” said Leigh Freund, CEO, NAI. “We are pleased to be designated as the first Authorized Assessor for the MSPA Accountability Program and working alongside IAB Privacy to help more MSPA Signatories receive their MSPA Certified seal.”

The MSPA Accountability Program is currently available only to ad tech companies who have signed the MSPA (known as “Downstream Participants” in the MSPA). If those companies are interested in becoming ‘MSPA Certified’ they must complete an application and submit it to [email protected], and then submit to a voluntary assessment of their application by an Authorized Assessor.

About IAB

The Interactive Advertising Bureau empowers the media and marketing industries to thrive in the digital economy. Its membership comprises more than 700 leading media companies, brands, agencies, and the technology firms responsible for selling, delivering, and optimizing digital ad marketing campaigns. The trade group fields critical research on interactive advertising, while also educating brands, agencies, and the wider business community on the importance of digital marketing. In affiliation with the IAB Tech Lab, IAB develops technical standards and solutions. IAB is committed to professional development and elevating the knowledge, skills, expertise, and diversity of the workforce across the industry. Through the work of its public policy office in Washington, D.C., the trade association advocates for its members and promotes the value of the interactive advertising industry to legislators and policymakers. Founded in 1996, IAB is headquartered in New York City.

Media Contacts
Michael Vaughan / Brittany Tibaldi
813-210-1706 / 347-487-6794
[email protected] / [email protected]

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