
Business insights and articles written by our team and others professionals

Month: jūnijs 2024

Meet our Recruiter & Social Media Manager – Zukhra Nazarova

/*! elementor – v3.19.0 – 07-02-2024 */ .elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-stacked .elementor-drop-cap{background-color:#69727d;color:#fff}.elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-framed .elementor-drop-cap{color:#69727d;border:3px solid;background-color:transparent}.elementor-widget-text-editor:not(.elementor-drop-cap-view-default) .elementor-drop-cap{margin-top:8px}.elementor-widget-text-editor:not(.elementor-drop-cap-view-default) .elementor-drop-cap-letter{width:1em;height:1em}.elementor-widget-text-editor .elementor-drop-cap{float:left;text-align:center;line-height:1;font-size:50px}.elementor-widget-text-editor .elementor-drop-cap-letter{display:inline-block} DanAds is the global leading provider of self-serve and advertising

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What is Cost Per Impression

TL;DR: Digital advertising is driven by numbers, with Cost Per Impression (CPI) being a crucial metric. Understanding CPI can help optimize ad spend and campaign effectiveness.

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TAG Bulletin: Q2 2024

This bulletin includes coordinated influence operation campaigns terminated on our platforms in Q2 2024. It was last updated on June 4, 2024. April We terminated

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