The future of digital advertising: Trends to watch in 2024

Why keep up with trends at all?

Trends change rapidly in digital advertising, often leading to confusion. The industry typically follows 4-5-year cycles, marked by distinct trends like mobile advertising or programmatic buying. But who’s driving these changes? Interestingly, it’s neither the sellers (publishers and media owners) nor the buyers (advertisers). Instead, it’s intermediaries and tech providers that steer the ship, leaving both sides scrambling to keep up.

The key is not just to stay on top of these trends but to maintain focus on core objectives. For advertisers, it’s about maximizing ad spend impact. For publishers, the priority is retaining control over their advertising business rather than relying too heavily on third parties.


“Automating” for success in the future

As we step into the financial landscape of 2024, it’s critical to focus on streamlining and improving the efficiency of your advertising operations. This isn’t a nice-to-have; it’s a must-do – at all levels of your organization. The goal is clear: to make your advertising business robust and ready for the future.

Now, consider your path to improved efficiency. It will lead you to embrace automation. But how can automation be used to meet your unique challenges and goals in the industry? Keep in mind that it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution – it’s about identifying and implementing the strategies that align with your specific needs. 

Ask yourself: How can you leverage automation to not just survive but thrive in the current financial landscape? This question is key to ensuring the solutions you adopt will resonate with your position in the industry.


The AI revolution in creative content

The AI revolution in creative content is reaching new heights. 2022’s launch of AI-generated content marked a game-changing moment in advertising, and it’s now essential to integrate AI into your strategies. Why not explore how it can revolutionize your content creation process?

Looking ahead, the focus on AI is not just persisting; it’s intensifying. Expect significant improvements in software such as DanAd’s Creative Builder, including a diverse range of formats. The driving force behind this is the push towards personalization, aiming to make advertisers faster and more efficient. Also, with videos becoming the preferred content to consume, the opportunity to create engaging and shareable moving content through a creative builder becomes even more significant. 

By leveraging AI, you stand to see not only an improved ROI but also the capability to personalize your content more effectively.



Unlike the sudden impact of the pandemic, gradual shifts in global economies and consumer sentiment are slowly but steadily changing how consumers perceive ads. A clear instance was in July 2021, when creative effectiveness in advertising dropped by 2%, with purchase uplift (-7%) and emotional intensity (-4,5%) also seeing declines.

This underscores the need to continuously update your advertising approach and stay responsive to match evolving consumer attitudes.


The emergence of retail media and self-serve advertising

A significant trend to watch is the rise of retail media and the growing relevance of self-serve advertising – especially given the prediction that investments in retail media in Europe could reach a staggering 25 billion euros by 2026. As a Publisher, you’re in a unique position with your wealth of first-party data. The opportunity here is huge: to effectively monetize this data on a large scale. This is where self-serve advertising platforms come into play, offering an effective avenue for capitalizing on the data you hold.

Industries like banking and insurance are starting to recognize their potential as media owners. This shift could very well apply to you, too, signaling a change in how you view and utilize your assets in the advertising space. It opens up new possibilities but also presents new challenges to navigate.


Navigating privacy regulations

In digital advertising, privacy regulations have become a hurdle. As a Publisher, you need to maintain complete control over your supply chain, ensuring compliance with tightening privacy laws and building trust through transparency with advertisers.

The shift away from third-party cookies, led by changes in Google Chrome’s policy, isn’t new. It’s been a known challenge since 2018. The key is to show that you’re not just reacting to these changes but have been actively preparing for them. Your strategy should strike a balance between adhering to privacy regulations and maintaining effective advertising campaigns.

Having a solid plan to adapt to privacy changes, such as leveraging first-party data and exploring new targeting methods, is vital. It demonstrates your proactive stance in handling these shifts, reassuring partners and clients of your capability to handle this environment.


Sustainability: A decisive factor in advertising

Sustainability is shifting from being just a topic of conversation to one of the most important issues in the advertising industry. 

Expect to see more initiatives where sustainability influences where marketing budgets are allocated, similar to consumer preferences in grocery shopping. For you as a Publisher, this means adapting your strategies and offerings to align with this growing demand for sustainable advertising practices.


Scaling AVOD business models

For streaming providers, the landscape is changing rapidly. Whereas a few years ago, the focus might have been solely on subscription models, now there’s a growing need to consider and scale Advertising-based Video on Demand (AVOD) models. 

This shift is driven by the practicality that individuals can’t maintain paid subscriptions to numerous platforms. As a Publisher, this presents an opportunity to diversify and innovate within the AVOD space.


Creating opportunities beyond Google and Meta

Advertisers are increasingly looking for opportunities beyond the dominant platforms like Google and Meta. There’s a growing concern among companies about the contexts where their ads appear, leading to a search for trusted Publishers. 

As a Publisher, it’s essential for you to offer viable alternatives that can support advertising at scale. This isn’t just a trend; it’s an expectation. You need to position yourself as a trustworthy and efficient partner that can cater to these advertisers looking to diversify their ad placements.


Final thoughts: Charting your course

It’s clear that the future’s advertising landscape is not just about keeping up; it’s about leading the charge. You must equip yourself to ride the wave of change and simultaneously harness its full potential. This means staying at the forefront of innovation, engagement, and growth.

The time ahead is one of strategic navigation, where automation tools and strategic flair become your compass and map. It’s time to plan how to go about the dynamics, leveraging the power of technology and creative strategy to clear your way to success.



The question now is: Are you ready to transform your approach to advertising? With automation, AI-driven content creation, and sustainable advertising strategies at your fingertips, success is just a conversation away.

Contact us to discover how you can use these cutting-edge trends and tools to optimize your ad campaigns, maximize ROI, and stay ahead of the competition.

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