Google launches new fact-checking Search features for people in Europe

Content advisories appearing in Search

Sometimes, there’s just not a lot of great information to show for a search, or the results are changing quickly – and it’s important to have that context. To address these information gaps, Search will automatically show content advisories in situations when a topic is rapidly evolving, or when our systems don’t have high confidence in the overall quality of the results available for the search. We’re expanding the advisories for quality information gaps to new languages, including German, French, Italian and Spanish in the coming months.

Fact checking with European news organizations

Across Europe, we’re partnering with organizations to deliver fact check training and to share new techniques for combating the spread of misinformation online.

In Germany, we’ve expanded our long-running fact check partnership Faktencheck23 with the German Press Agency. Since 2021, over 1,300 journalists from more than 100 German newsrooms have taken part in the training and joined a vibrant fact-checking community. Today, we’re launching the Fact Check Challenge for German-speaking journalists. Journalists can test their knowledge in quizzes about digital research, verification and fact-checking techniques. The winning participants will attend the inaugural Faktencheck23 Summit this autumn in Berlin. More details can be found here.

Additionally, Google provided a €25M contribution towards the inaugural European Media Information Fund. So far, 40 projects across Europe have been funded. Initiatives range from increasing the media literacy of a community in Italy by enabling local librarians with new resources and tools to boosting fact checking activities during Czech elections.

Access to authoritative content and news is especially critical during times of crisis and war. We partnered with the Lviv Media Forum and the Thomson Foundation earlier this year to provide a four-part training program for Ukrainian news organizations on engaging diaspora audiences and combating misinformation, among other topics. The findings were published in a handbook and distributed for free across the Ukrainian news industry network.

Making sure we surface quality information and help users get more context on what they find online is part of our mission to make the world’s information universally accessible. We’re grateful for our fact-checking partners across Europe and will continue our work to make every user feel safer when looking for information online.

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