We are glad to please you with gr...

We are glad to please you with great news – HilltopAds interface for advertisers and publishers is now available in several languages!

In addition to English, you can choose from
💙 Portuguese,
💙 Spanish,
💙 German,
💙 Chinese,
💙 Russian,
💙 Hindi.

To select a language, click on the button on the right in the site’s top menu and choose the desired option.

Technical support is still available only in English, but we are working on it 🤪

If you have any suggestions or requests, or if you see inaccuracies in the translation, please get in touch with the marketing department at marketing@hilltopads.com.

We are confident that this upgrade will make your work with HilltopAds even more comfortable and productive!
See you! 💙💚

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