Digital Strategy is no longer just a Desert

For several years, the advertising and marketing market faces a grow in importance of digital communication channels. The web space is full of disorderly corporate communication messages, which never reach the right target audience. How to overcome this huge digital communication noise and to qualitatively reach your true target audience?

Some ingredients of the Strategy


After having determined comm targets and the target audience which should  be reached, we develop detailed “portraits” of the target audience, which characterize habits and peculiarities of operations of each specific audience in the Internet space. The obtained “Portraits” of the target audiences pass through an in-depth analysis, with use of the special algorithms, and there is created a detailed instruction on how to reach each target audience in the Internet space. We create an overview of the communication channels, which indicates what exactly Internet advertising networks and other comm channels may be used for addressing each, even the smallest target audience. According to the “portrait” of the target audience, there are also formulated the main individualized communication messages, taking into account the seasonality of the audience being reached, if any. And, of course, an efficient strategy of the digital communication allows for a timely detailed planning comm budgets and their returns.


In order to rectify this situation for the better, our specialists carry out an audit of the company’s marketing activities, an audit of the competitors’ marketing activities, there are selected the target audiences which are insufficiently addressed up to now, there are determined habits of the target audiences, and there are established the marketing channels & tools, through which these audiences should be reached. The audit result is a complete overview of the already conducted marketing activities (the pros and cons), a marketing plan, which lists all the possible positions of the carried out activities, a detailed schedule and a budget. This allows the company to acquire unconquered, until now, audience, thereby increasing business revenue.


This relatively particular service is provided by us to various media organizations (Internet television, video-on-demand services, etc.). Today, the media consumer largely determines the media content, so it is very essential to have good knowledge of the interests and needs of the target audience of the media.

We rely on data of volumous researches, in which intensity and seasonality in demand for the media content of various target audiences are reflected in details. With help of these data, for example, it is possible to determine precisely what media content to buy or to create and how to plan a new media season.

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