Mobile Business Apps: How Are They Performing in 2022?

So, what can you learn from these trends to inform and inspire your next campaign? Here’s what our experts think. 

Apps Can’t Be One-Trick 

In the video conference space, apps that continue to grow offer more than just that functionality. For example, Microsoft Teams is a unified communications (UC) tool that incorporates video, phone, chat, email, and more. With this level of value, users will stay active. 

Zoom has evolved to meet this demand, evident in its advertising. In 2020, ad messaging was all about adapting to remote work. Then they pivoted to expanded functionality like telehealth. In 2022, Zoom is showcasing that they do it all. 

If your app is this versatile, appeal to the multiple ways people can use the app in your CPI (cost per install) campaigns. Concentrating on specific keywords with these in mini campaigns could be a good boost. 

Job Apps Are About More than Jobs

The current U.S. worker has different ideas about the idea of work. They crave balance, flexibility, and autonomy. As such, they are using several job-based apps to reinvent their career path. This change in how consumers see and obtain work should align with how you attract users to such an app. 

Further, to keep them, building a community that supports that person as a full-time or freelance worker will matter. Consider this when developing CPE (cost per engagement) ads to create loyalty and value. For example, you could reward users when they complete surveys about what type of new role they want with the ability to be a featured applicant. 

Work Is Changing; Your App Needs to Keep Pace

The overall consensus is that work has changed, and technology has to keep up with them. Business apps have a more prominent role in the life of the average worker. Continuing to add features (that they want) and improve UX will determine if your app becomes one they value or find obsolete.

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