What is Big Village’s Ready-Made Solutions Suite?
Ready-Made Solutions are a suite of expert-designed research solutions that help brands iterate product and service ideas based on explicit and implicit metrics in a way that addresses two common pain points of DIY research: methodological expertise (design and analysis) and data quality. I’m breaking down the different solutions that make up the suite, explaining how they reinforce each other and outlining Big Village’s approach to data quality, which underpins the solutions.
The Ready-Made Solutions Suite
Big Village’s Ready-Made Solutions suite is comprised of six elements that can be leveraged individually or as a continuum.
- Idea Testing- Understand which ideas to advance, which need more work, and which should be paused
- Message Testing- Pinpoint the message that that will drive your target audience to action
- Name Testing- Understand which potential names are most memorable and appealing
- Pricing Testing- Determine the target price range and direct competitors for your product or service based on a comparison to in-market competitive products, without asking directly about price
- Value Proposition (Concept) Testing- Understand how the components of a value proposition work together, not only to maximize appeal to your target audience, but also to model how to reach them
- Brand Tracking- Monitor your brand perception and equity to track changes over time among your target audience(s).
How the Suite Works
The different solutions in the Ready-Made suite can be leveraged in a variety of ways. All of the solutions can stand on their own and provide timely, cost-efficient guidance related to the specific need, whether that is early stage like Idea, Message, Name, or Price Testing, or later stage, like Value Proposition Testing, or even post-launch, with Brand Tracking. Many clients use Ready-Made Solutions because they value the ability to iterate and have a consistent approach across product development initiatives that may be at different stages.
However, other clients leverage the entire suite of solutions and the consistent approach that it provides to see an initiative all the way through from testing the original idea to determining the most appealing version to launch and then monitoring brand performance on an ongoing basis. Each solution in the suite has been carefully designed to include not only a set of standard metrics tailored to each use case that allows our clients to report on traditional metrics used in innovation research, but we have also integrated implicit metrics for a deeper layer of analysis. The combination of these approaches helps our clients prioritize the best ideas to push forward, which reduces the risk of choosing the wrong path during the development process and increases the chances of success in the market.
The final piece of Big Village’s Ready-Made Solution set is the most fundamental and arguably the most important.
We employ both cutting-edge technology and robust “human eye” controls to ensure that the data in our studies, the data that drives our recommendations, is accurate and of the highest quality. We do this by employing automation to identify fraudulent and inattentive respondents, as well as a variety of expertly designed data quality questions that allow us to identify and remove bad actors whose response might otherwise skew the data.
Big Village’s Ready-Made Solutions suite is an improvement on typical DIY and DIT (Do it Together) offerings because it brings together expert design and innovative analysis in a way that solves for the two key pain points of DIY solutions: the need for broad-based methodological expertise and robust data quality practices. By doing this, we can ensure that our clients are able to make the right decisions in a timely manner based on the highest quality data. Contact us to drive your brand forward faster!